Quality Assurance
Under the PLATINUM QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM we continue to sample, analyze and report all of our results with respect to omega 3, mercury, and nutritional analysis.
For more information on the Health and Nutrition Benefits of Canadian Ablacore Tuna and/or to review a delicious selection of recipes and preparation ideas from some of British Columbia’s best- known chefs please check out other areas of our site.
CANADIAN ALBACORE TUNA is proudly harvested by members of the British Columbia tuna fleet. BC Albacore and Canadian Albacore are licensed products under the Buy BC Program. The Northern Pacific Albacore Troll fishery is one of the cleanest in the world.
- Assurance that Canadian Albacore Tuna are sustainably fished under treaty and international management.
- The use of troll gear and barbless hooks.
- Mandatory criteria for handling, processing, freezing at sea, and low temperature storage.
- In addition, the Platinum QA Program regularly tests and publishes information on Omega 3 content, nutritional analysis, mercury content, and other issues that you as a consumer care about.

For 3 consecutive years Canadian Albacore Tuna from the Pacific Coast Fishery has won the prestigious ITQI award. In 2011, 2012, and 2013 we were awarded the Superior Taste Award by the International Taste and Quality Institute of Brussels, Belgium

We are proud of the fact that under the PLATINUM QA PROGRAM we acknowledge the public concern over mercury in seafood. As a result we conduct regular testing of fish – over 170 samples over the past three years – for mercury content. We are proud that the average levels of mercury tested in our samples from 2003-2006 is 0.1656 ppm which is about 66% below Canadian federal food safety standards and 83% below USFDA safety standards (see figure below). Our test results on Omega-3 levels indicate that our BC-Canadian Albacore Tuna appears to be well above many other species and other Tunas
Under the PLATINUM QA PROGRAM we will continue to sample, analyze and report all of our results with respect to Omega 3, Mercury, and Nutritional Analysis.